Happy Friday!
OH. You’re going to LOVE this session.
Matt and Rachel and I met up in Minneapolis for some engagement portraits a couple of weeks ago.
My heart just sang as I edited these. This is a beautiful couple, inside and out,
and I’m honored to be photographing their wedding in Sioux Falls next June!
We started at a borrowed studio in South Minneapolis
with a stunning, classy vibe:
And here’s where your jaw should drop.
Yep. Straight off a movie set:
A quick change, a drive up 35W, and we were at Langton Lakes in Roseville.
The sun was JUST right.
Scrabble is a big deal in Rachel’s family. 🙂
This fall keeps surprising me. The sunlight keeps sinking quicker than I expect….
So we chased it by literally running to the other end of the park,
and we found some more light! Wild adventure that was totally worth it:
Rachel and Matt also wanted some portraits by the water.
I love this little hideaway.
(For the photographers in the crowd, I must also add that I love my 5D Mark 3.
This entire next set was taken with the sun entirely disappeared behind the trees.
It was definitely dusk, and the image quality is still absolutely fantastic.
Happy to be a Canon girl!)
I adore every single one of these…
M+R…. I can’t wait for your big day next summer!
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