Abby Anderson
Best 100 of 2016
Fargo Wedding Photographer

Happy Weekend! I am celebrating the New Year with a look back at 2016. Putting together a collection of my Best 100 images is a yearly tradition and always results in my favorite post of the year. I take the selection process for this collection very seriously. It represents the direction I want to keep pushing as a photographer and artist. 2016 brought some big changes, the biggest of which was my re-brand to “Abby Anderson”. If you’ve followed me through that transition, thank you! I’m so grateful for you. This has been an amazing year and I’ve LOVED photographing weddings under my new brand. I hope you enjoy this post! When you’re done browsing, feel free to take a look back at last year’s Best 100.
Abby Anderson is a Wedding and Engagement Photographer in Fargo, ND + Moorhead, MN
Now booking 2017 events! Visit our website to learn more: www.abbyanderson.com
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