I love, love, love photographing senior girls. Dana was a wonderful model and I enjoyed every minute of her session! Enjoy a peek at her gorgeous images!
I love the image below — in color it’s great,
but I think the Black and White REALLY makes the beauty of Dana’s features stand out!
Minnesotan blue skies are some of my favorite backdrops.
Such a healthy, happy and flattering backdrop for every skin tone!
Driving away from that location, we passed a shallow ditch full of fresh daisies!
Dana’s pink dress looked amazing in this location.
You’d never guess that these photos were taken between two storage units. 🙂
I whipped out a few off camera flashes and…wow, instant fashion photos!
One of my favorite things about senior sessions is just happening upon random objects and locations that make for amazing photos.
Another case in point…. hello, canoe!
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