I’m not usually a bookworm, but this winter has been an exception.
I’ve been gathering titles for a while, and now that it’s January I finally have some time to read them.
Being a mom of young children, cooking and living the lifestyle necessary for my husband’s health issues
and running a business means I have limited time to invest in growth and education.
With an almost fully booked season starting in just a few of months,
I want to take the opportunity to turn my thoughts
to how I can be a better photographer, a better communicator, a better listener.
How to push my own creative vision to it’s potential.
How to better systematize and organize to keep things running smoothly.
I’m loving these quieter days.
Days without makeup, who-cares-hair and thinking time.
The margin in life, right?
You need these times to turn inward and evaluate.
The biggest thing I’ve come away with so far is that I need better prioritization skills.
One book I read talked about honing in on your greatest strengths and assets,
and focusing on developing that, instead of spreading yourself thin trying to be everything.
Since then I’ve already made some broader business decisions
that allow more time for what I’m most passionate about.
I’ve just started digging into an incredible posing book,
which means that over today’s lunch of curry rice and ginger tea
I was learning how to properly work with the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spines of my clients.
(And now you’re REALLY excited to have me photograph you this summer. Hah!)
Happy January, friends!
This is the continuation of my self-portrait series.
See other posts from the series here!
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