A couple weeks ago one of my BFF’s (check her out at The Unrefined Kitchen) and her sweet family came home to visit.
Since they live halfway across the country (sad face) it is always so exciting to have them back.
We celebrated with a little portrait session at a local diner with retro flair.
Can you believe she looks this great after having THREE KIDS, one of which was just six months ago?!
I know, some things in life aren’t fair. Good thing I love her. 😉
Since she has a diner-themed basement family room, we took a few photos with the kiddos as well.
I love these photos of Malachi sipping his shake. He was born with cleft palate and has undergone many surgeries in his young life.
Amazing that due to the advances of modern medicine he can easily sip away at his treat. So precious!
Even though I’m not booking family+kids sessions this year due to a busy wedding and senior portrait season,
it was fun to make a little exception and photograph this cute family!
Thanks to Kroll’s Diner for being so hospitable to us.
I’d LOVE to see a diner themed engagement session happen at some point!
If YOU, gentle reader, are interested in such things,
have your people call my people. Comprendo?
Studio A Photo is a wedding and senior portrait photographer
in the Fargo, ND + Moorhead, MN area.
Visit our website here
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