Okay, okay, so I’m definitely late in posting June’s Self Portrait! BUT, I am super excited about this one because it is a career milestone that I’ve been looking forward to. A few years back I decided to start a log of all the weddings I had a part in photographing. At the time I was observing a few wedding photographers who seemed way farther ahead of me in business and noticed that by the time they had shot 100 weddings they were starting to develop a stronger sense of identity. Their branding and image quality was more consistent, their style and confidence had hit a new stride. In my head, it just seemed like that hitting that goal must be Magic Land.
While “Magic Land” is a bit overboard, there is some truth to hitting a new stride. In the last year I’ve started to have a lot more “a – ha!” moments, realizing better what I want to USE my photography to communicate. Every wedding has taught me a little something about this craft and about myself. But in reality, that foundation just yields a greater confidence that turns around and inspires more learning! It gives me a profound sense of gratitude to think of all the couples that have given me a chance and I’m SO eager to see where the next 100 weddings takes me! Every single wedding is a chance to learn more, to care more about the details, to learn how to communicate more strongly and serve my bride’s in tangible and intangible ways. I’m glad this crazy thing called “Wedding Photography” has become a valid 21st Century career option for women like me who want to have a family, be present for their kids and still have an interesting profession to call their own.
All of that said, thanks to Mark & Melanie for being my 100th wedding! And huge thanks to Mark’s brother, Scott, for taking this photo with my camera so I didn’t have to set up a tripod. 🙂
As way of shouting out my thanks to all of the couples (All the way back to the film camera/digital point-and-shoot days of 2004. Hashtag Keeping It Real) I’m going to post my records. I did the first years totally from memory and digging through a box of CD’s, so PLLLLEEEASE, I beg you, forgive me if I forgot a few of you or got your dates wrong! If any of you beautiful couples are still hanging in there with me and following my blog, here’s a big HUG and THANK YOU!! I’d love to re-live your wedding day with you in the comments or on Facebook, so feel free to drop me a comment and we can reminisce.
This is the continuation of my self-portrait series.
See other posts from the series here!
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